The Chakras & Organs Health
There is much to explore around chakras and organs in our beautiful bodies. This course is merely an invitation and an inspiration for further studies of relationships and the state of health within yourself.
About this course
This course aims to illuminate the intertwined connection between the physicality of organs and the energetics of the chakras. How one connects and communicates with the other supports the body’s healthy functions. How can we become sensitive to the many conversations and relationships our bodies are navigating at every given moment?
Each chakra and each organ can be a long study by itself and a subject matter for an extensive period. Yet once we allow ourselves to move as water from an organ to an organ and a chakra to a chakra we start to realize the continuity and fluidity of connections that are moving within us at every given moment. This movement and giving gentle attention and often to different parts of ourselves allows us to stay healthy and rebalance the body cultivating the state of well-being. You are invited to choose one small element in each class to focus on, and at the same time be aware of the bigger picture. Treat it as an introduction, the beginning, and an adventure where creativity meets wellness and you can meet part of yourself in ways you have not thought to do it before.
Program outline
Workshop 1
Root Chakra
Organs: Testicles, Kidneys, Spine
Colour: Red
Sound Bath & Yoga Nidra
In this workshop, we will explore the root chakra, at the base of the spine. You will receive the opportunity to connect to the base of your being by rest, rejuvenation, and an immersive journey into deep, grounded, and earthy tones of the gongs, and singing bowls to bring the energy into your base chakra. At the end of the workshop, we will use yoga nidra as a restorative and relaxing practice.
Materials needed for this class:
Everything that makes for your comfort and warmth lay on the floor: mat, blanket, pillow, eye pillow, warm clothes.
Workshop 2
Sacral Chakra, Organs: Bladder, Prostate, Ovaries, Kidneys, Gallbladder, Bowel, Spleen, Colour Orange
In this workshop we will explore play and the sacral chakra which is a center to experience joy, pleasure, and connection to ourselves. We will explore warm colors, long tunnels, labyrinths, and passageways in our lower belly and express it outwardly with color and different textures.
Materials needed for the class:
Colorful craft materials, Toilette paper rolls, tape, strings, long treads, wool.
Workshop 3
Solar Plexus Chakra, Organs: Intestines, Pancreas, Liver, Bladder, Stomach, Upper Spine, Colour Yellow
In this workshop, we will focus on the mindful movement and bring touch into the experience. Self-massaging the body and through that accessing the organs. How does touch inform the energetic system of the solar plexus chakra in the body? We will use different forms of clothed massage such as circular motions, tapping, rubbing, and placing hands on the places in the body. The relationships between the organs.
Materials needed for the class are comfortable clothing, massage rollers of all kinds for example foam rollers, massage rollers,
Workshop 4
Heart Chakra, Organs: heart, lungs, Colour: green, pink or white
In this workshop, we will work with the energetics of love and integrity. How can we express softness as strength? How lungs can support the heart in expressing empathy, compassion, and love? We will play with different colors: green, pink and white. You can choose just one color to keep the practice gentle.
Materials needed for this class are Soft fabrics, strings, scissors, cotton, and everything that represents the heart energy to you..
Workshop 5
Throat Chakra, Organs: Bronchial Tubes, vocal cords, respiratory system, mouth, tongue, esophagus, Colour: sky blue
This class will be devoted to exploring the relationship between our voice and authentic expression. Each sound and no sound has a space in our experience and everything that lies on the spectrum in between. You will be invited to explore the sounds that want to be gently expressed through your body. Sound in relationship to the body and the body in relationship to the sound. It will be the two-way path where we will create sounds together.
Materials needed for this class are a blue, or white soft scarf around the neck. An instrument if you play any.
Workshop 6
Third Eye Chakra, Organs: eyes, pituitary and pineal gland, vagus nerve brain, Colour: indigo, cobalt blue
In this workshop, we will explore our nervous system and connect it to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. We will explore the transitions. We will use meditation, movement, drawing, and writing to understand better the differences between each state of being and its physiology.
Materials needed for this class are: sketchbook, drawing materials, pens, soft pastels
Workshop 7
Crown Chakra, Organs: Spinal Cord, Brain Stem, Colour: gold, white
In this workshop, we will connect to the topic of surrender and letting go. We will make art with our eyes closed and move the body, dance.
Materials needed for the class: sketchbook, colorful pens, pencils, crayons
Workshop 8
Integration and presentation of the artwork
Integration of 7 chakras and organs to create harmony in the body.
Presentation of the artworks and the processes in the group
Friday the 18th of October 7-9pm
Wednesday the 16th of October 7-9pm
- Longwood Area, Co. Meath
- Maynooth Business Campus, YoGra Yoga Studio, W23K2W6
Price: €280
Duration: 8 weeks
Enroll to this course
Premium Package
premium package that includes 4 individual sessions of holistic therapies including
- massage
- energy healing
- sound therapy